Have you ever felt like you turn around and when you turn back its all changed? well that's how the last month has been for me. A month ago Whitney had little Isabelle. She is so cute and fun to have around. Turn around and not to long ago that was Stacey and I. Two weeks ago I went to Mesquite to help Courtney and Doug move into their new home.
Last week Braden and Jamie were married, and everything keeps turning. Congratulations Braden and Jayme. Already her dog tags say "Jayme Quinn." By the way Jayme leaves for Iraq on June 22, 2010. We love having Jayme around. Braden we love you and pray for the the best things in life for you and Jayme.
Brooke has a new position at 1-800 contacts, and she loves it. She is no longer on the phones. She is a receptionist (I think that's here title)She is a hard worker and it seems weird that she is not working 3 or 4 jobs. She is going to school though because I get to see her and Tim working on their laptops all of the time.
Courtney and Doug have a beautiful home in Mesquite, right across from the Jr. High School. I had a great time being at their house and helping them get settled in. I especially had fun being able to watch Andrew and Preston one day while Courtney was at school and Doug was at work. Preston had "Hand and Foot" which is a kids illness. He had spots all over his hands, feet, and mouth. He was not feeling well but always had a smile for you. Andrew's favorite thing about the house is his new bunk bed. It is awesome. Stacey and Whitney are planning to go to Mesquite to visit soon. Congrats Court and Doug. You know it seems like it was just last week we brought her home from the hospital.
Stacey just got home from a trip and is in the living room watching the Olympics Opening Ceremonies. Doesn't it seem like the Olympics were just here? See what I mean, we just turned around and it's here again. Go USA!
Well life goes on and on. What's next? Not sure? TURN AROUND!