Thinking back...what a strange Christmas season this one was. The day after Thanksgiving we did not get up early to fight the crowds to buy presents we could not live without. But we still made it to IHOP for breakfast! On December 2nd Courtney had "Preston" our 2nd grandson. He was very small. Only a whopping 10lbs 11 oz. What a great looking kid! I (Todd) was able to go to Iowa for Preston's birth (and to play with Drew), so the Christmas lights did not get put up on the house. (I don't need to take them down either) We built a snowman that after a while was leaning so far back it looked like he was doing the limbo. Drew also built a ginger bread house covered in candy. Most of the candy never made it to the house. I had a great time with Courtney, Doug, Drew and Preston. Stacey was able to go to Iowa the next week and be with the Giles clan and help with the new baby. She had a good time but said she almost froze to death. One of the days it was -8 degrees without the wind chill factor.
Christmas Miracle: We sent a Christmas package to Iowa for the Giles clan and it actually got there before Christmas. "Yahoo! Postal Service."
Stacey had to work on Christmas. The weather was so bad that instead of being home at 8:00 p.m. she got home around 2:00 a.m. We were glad she made it home safe.
Brooke and Braden had to work a lot of the season. It was great to have them around. Brooke and I went shopping together a couple of times. Braden had most of his shopping done fairly early. I of course did not.
Like I said "What a strange Christmas season.
Oh yeah, the picture is at Temple Square. Also, I hope I am doing this right. If not, bear with me. Courtney is teaching me to blog. Have a great 2009!
Dad, that picture is awesome! Sure wish I could have seen Temple Square at Christmas. Guess that's what I get for living in Iowa!
Way to go Todd, I am so proud of you! That picture of Temple Square is awesome, one day I'll learn to take pictures like you. Thanks again for going with us to Body Worlds, that was fun!
Ya know - I think that it was a strange Christmas all around. It was the first time in my life that I didn't get to see all of you. White Christmases are great - but when they keep me from my family, I'm not quite so fond of them. Everything worked out okay though. But I sure missed you guys.
By the way, you do have gorgeous grandsons!
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