Monday, September 21, 2009

Plans Change

You know nothing ever goes as planned. Saturday, Stacey flew out for work, and on Monday morning at 2:30 a.m. I got a phone call from Stacey and she was sick, sick, sick. I tried to diagnose over the phone, (you know how we all become doctors at that time) but I just had to say "go to the Emergency Room". Since I was having a hard time making a diagnosis without all of my equipment the emergency room sounded second best. It is a good thing she went in because her appendix was broken, yep, broken. They got her into surgery while I tried to get a flight out to be with her. (Cheering Section) She is doing well, and she has some great people here helping her. She is sore and has a lot of nausea but she's doing great.
By the way, the drive from Redman, Oregon to Medford, Oregon is gorgeous. It would be a great place to camp and fish. They have a bunch of fires that all started today. I can see one fire from Stacey's hospital room window. Well I'll say goodbye for now, and see if she (and I) can get some sleep. Bye all.

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