Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When is it going to be Spring?

We have had snow, rain, sleet, hail, sun, clouds, warm, and cold, cold, cold. When is it going to be Spring? I say all that above, and yet I love Utah. No other place you can snow ski and 4 wheel on the dunes in the same day if you want.
It was nice to have Courtney and the boys up for a few days at Easter. I think they had a great time at my mom's hunting for Easter eggs. I know that Preston did not really care for what he found in them, he just liked to open them. Andrew had a ball. Being with all of the other kids was great fun for him.

It looks like we will get to see a lot of Court and the boys for a while while she finishes school here in Draper. That will be nice.
Braden and Jamie are doing well. Jamie is currently in Nebraska for some training, and Braden is at home cleaning her car. You go girl. He is just working and going to the desert to ride.
Brooke is going to school and working full time at 1-800. She likes what she does.
Stacey is home today but leaves Thursday, so if any of you are cooking, I'm will be eating alone.
Whitney, Jason, and Isabelle are doing well. Whit is back to work, which means we should be getting some interesting e-mails, or sites to see on the web.
Isabelle is always smiling (OK, just at me...no that's not gas) she is a great baby.
Jason is putting in a lot of hours at work.
I finally finished up my taxes the other day. I hate tax time. Yes, I know I do not need to leave it until the last week. all of you with kids under 18 at home count your blessings. Those exemptions used to be great!
I am working on the basement. I know, finally. It is coming along. I am moving the laundry room up a level so we don't need to go so far to do the laundry.
Is everyone ready to golf or fish? I am. Especially when we have the warmer days.
I did fertilize the lawn Saturday. I don't know why though, because I hate to mow it. I had to get some nutrients to my crabgrass farm. I think the Crabgrass is like a strawberry, you just need a start and it will grow anywhere. Anyone want a Crabgrass start? Free?
Have a great week.

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