Tuesday, June 30, 2009

All is quiet again...

All is quiet again...

BUT WAIT, BIG NEWS... More noise is coming! Whitney is pregnant!!! Jason and Whitney are going to have a baby. What a great Fathers Day announcement! Way cool another grand baby. Maybe a girl. (I threw that in for Paige, she said we are in a girl drought) I hope Whitney has an easy pregnancy. Of course she has already been getting sick. Hang in there Whit. Another pilot in the family.

Well we have been very luck to have Doug, Courtney, Andrew and Preston around for a while. It was nice to have the noise. It was crowded and cramped but it was nice. Preston started to crawl on Sunday. Now he really can get around. Doug was able to take his test up at the U of U on Sunday. 5-1/2 hours of testing. I am sure he breathed a big sigh of relief as he finished. Luckily for Doug I knew the answers. True, False, False, True...

Well the Giles clan left for Nevada today. Tear, sniff, tear, sniff, tear. I don't know if I am going to be able to go to sleep without a bedtime story about "Bumblebee the Transformer" told to me by Andrew. And what will I do without my shirts smelling like formula that Preston liked to shower everyone with? You know it isn't as fun playing with the matchbox cars by yourself. It's all good though, they will be back around the end of July.

Until then, Brooke can sleep in, until who knows when, in peace.

It was a great start to the summer. We ll need to go to "Cowabunga" water park before they go home in July. I hope all of you are having a good summer too.

Man, it is quiet...man am I boring...Preston! Andrew! Where are you?

I hope they have a great time in Nevada. Thanks for everything Giles clan.


susan said...

Love! Love your blog Todd! Thanks for always sharing! You must have been a writer in your former life! You could write some wonderful stories for those grand babies!

Courtney said...

No, thank you for everything! We sure couldn't have survived without you! Drew can't wait to take a ride in your white truck! Love you!