Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Birthday?

Well here I am at Alta View Hospital waiting for Isabell to be born. Poor Whitney has been in labor now I would guess since yesterday morning so maybe 24 hours now. I just went in to the room and they were about ready to push, so I am out. Now I find out that the doctor is in surgery. So Whitney waits...and waits. She is tough. I think Jason is ready to be done too. January 12, 2010 sounds like a great birth date. The waiting room is full of people waiting for babies and everyone is frustrated. Nothing is happening fast enough. Everyone is talking on cell phones and they are not quiet. I am excited for this new little girl. It will be great. Andrew and Preston get a new cousin and she doesn't get to wear hand-me-downs. Everything is new. New room, new bed, new clothes. Come on doctor get out here, its HAPPY BIRTHDAY time. I'll let you all know what happens. Think Pink.

1 comment:

The Chappell's said...

Congratulations! We are so thrilled for you! This is the best news - it brings a smile to my heart.

So glad that we are part of the family and get to welcome this beautiful baby into our chaos.

Pretty in pink!
